Tonkin, Humphrey

Prof. Dr.

Adreso privata: 279 Ridgewood Road, West Hartford, CT 06107, USA

Adreso oficeja: Office of the President Emeritus, Mortensen Library, University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT 06117, USA.


Telefono privata: 860-561-2669

Telefono oficeja: 860-768-4448

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Fakso oficeja: 860-768-4411

Naskighis 1939 en Britio; brita kaj usona civitano

Profesia kariero: Edukighis en Britio (U. Cambridge) kaj Usono (U. Harvard) kaj doktorighis pri angla literaturo (1966), precipe de la 16-a kaj 17-a jarcento. Profesoris dum 17 jaroj che Univ. de Pensilvanio; poste estis prezidanto de Kolegio Potsdam de la Shtata Univ. de Novjorko (1983-88) kaj de Univ. de Hartford (1989-98). Nun univ. prof. pri humanistiko en Univ. de Hartford. Gastprofesoris pri angla kaj kompara literaturo ankau che U. Columbia, kaj gastesploris che U. Oxford (1975-76), Cambridge (1969) kaj Yale (1998-99).

Lingva kono: angla (denaske), Esperanto, pli limigita kono de franca, germana, itala.

Publikajhoj: Abunde publikigis pri angla literaturo, internaciaj studoj, supera edukado. Jenaj publikajhoj rilatas al interlingvistiko:


1997. (ed.) Esperanto, Interlinguistics, and Planned Language. Papers of the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems 5. Lanham MD: University Press of America. 232pp.

1993. (ed. and trans.) Esperanto: Language, Literature, and Community, by Pierre Janton. Albany: State University of New York Press. 156pp. (trans. with Jane Edwards and Karen Johnson-Weiner).

1989. (ed.) Language in Religion. Papers of the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems, vol. 1. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. 121pp. (with Allison Armstrong Keef).

l98l. The World in the Curriculum: Curricular Strategies for the 2lst Century. New Rochelle: Change Magazine Press. 262pp. (with Jane Edwards).

l977. Esperanto and International Language Problems: A Research Bibliography. Washington: Esperantic Studies Foundation. 4th ed. iii + 45pp. (lst ed. l967; 2nd ed. l969; 3rd ed. l972).

Konferencaj Raportoj:

1996. (ed.) Languages in International Organizations. Report of the Thirteenth Annual Conference on Language and Communication. Hartford: Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems. 57pp.

1988. (ed.) Language and Culture in International Organizations. Report of the Sixth Annual Conference on Language and Communication. New York: Center for Research and ocumentation on World Language Problems. 95pp.

1987. (ed.) The Economics of Language Use. Report of the Fifth Annual Conference of the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems. New York: The Center. 163 pp. (with Karen Johnson-Weiner).

1986. (ed.) Overcoming Language Barriers: The Human/Machine Relationship. Report of the Fourth Annual Conference of the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems. New York: The Center. 117pp. (with Karen Johnson-Weiner).

1986. (ed.) The Idea of a Universal Language. Report of the Fourth Annual Conference of the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems. New York: The Center. 133pp. (with Karen Johnson-Weiner).

1985. (ed.) Language Planning at the International Level. Report of the Third Annual Conference of the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems. New York: The Center. 152pp. (with Karen Johnson-Weiner).

l984. (ed.) Language Behavior in International Organizations. Report of the Second Annual Conference of the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems. New York: The Center. l55pp. (with Jane Edwards).

l983.(ed.) World Communications Year l983: Language and Language Learning. Report of a Conference Sponsored by the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems and the Esperantic Studies Foundation. New York: The Center. 95pp.


1998."Defioj de ekologia lingvopolitiko" (Challenges of an Ecological Language Policy). In Mark Fettes and Suzanne Bolduc, ed. Al lingva demokratio / Towards Linguistic Democracy / Vers la démocratie linguistique. Proceedings of the Nitobe Symposium of International Organizations, Prague, 20-23 July 1996. Rotterdam: Universal Esperanto Association, pp. 159-162.

1997. "Language as a Social Phenomenon: A Perspective on the Emergence of Sociolinguistics." In Christina Bratt Paulston and G. Richard Tucker, ed. The Early Days of Sociolinguistics. Dallas TX: Summer Institute of Linguistics, pp. 247-252

1997. "Planned Language and LPLP." In Humphrey Tonkin, ed. Esperanto, Interlinguistics, and Planned Language. Papers of the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems 5. Lanham MD: University Press of America, pp. ix-xv.

1996. "Language Hierarchy at the United Nations." In Sylvie Léger, ed. Towards a Language Agenda: Futurist Outlook on the United Nations. Ottawa: Canadian Center for Linguistic Rights, University of Ottawa, pp. 3-28.

1996. Language Equality at the United Nations: An Achievable Dream." In Kurt E. Müller, ed. Language Status in the Post-Cold War Era. Papers of the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems, 4. Lanham MD: University Press if America, pp.141-148.

1996. Antauparolo. Umberto Eco, La serchado de la perfekta lingvo. Pisa, Italy: Edistudio, pp. 5-10.

1996. "The Next Half-Century: Keeping and Holding the Peace." In Tonkin, ed. Languages in International Organizations: A Half-Century of International Order? Hartford: CRD, pp.46-51.

1996. "Toward a History of Esperanto." In Jesse Levitt, Leonard R. N. Ashley, and Kenneth H. Rogers, ed. Constructed Languages and Language Construction. East Rockaway NY: Cummings and Hathaway, pp. 55-65.

1996. Esperanto Studies: An Overview. Esperanto Documents 43A. Rotterdam: Universal Esperanto Studies. 16pp. (with Mark Fettes).

1994. "La estigho de la Esperanto-socio" [The Origins of the Esperanto Community]. In Hans Michael Maitzen, Herbert Mayer, Zlatko Tisljar, ed. Aktoj: Internacia Scienca Simpozio Esperanto 100-Jara. Vienna: Pro Esperanto, Maribor: Inter-kulturo, pp. 95-104.

1993. "Esperanto Poetry." In Alex Preminger and T.V.F.Brogan, ed. The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 381-382.

1992. "Towards Transatlantic Linguistic Cooperation." In Jacqueline Grapin, ed. Multilingualism in Europe and the U.S.: A Communications Challenge for Transatlantic Relations and Global Business. Washington, D.C.: The European Institute, pp. 5-15.

1992. "The Politics and Pragmatics of Language Diversity." In Jacqueline Grapin, ed. Multilingualism in Europe and the U.S.: A Communications Challenge for Transatlantic Relations and Global Business. Washington, D.C.: The European Institute, pp. 27-35.

1992. "Esperanto in Eastern Europe: An Insurmountable Opportunity?" In Kurt E. Müller, ed. Language as Barrier and Bridge. Papers of The Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems 3. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, pp. 59-65.

1992. "Esperanto Studies: An Overview." In Ian M. Richmond, ed. Aspects of Internationalism: Language and Culture. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, pp. 9-20.

1991. "Making Sense of Language in International Affairs." In Frank Barnaby, ed. Building a More Democratic United Nations. London: Frank Cass, pp. 207-10.

1990. "World Communication: The Role of Esperanto." Geolinguistics, 16:75-84.

1987. "One Hundred Years of Esperanto: A Survey. Language Problems and Language Planning, 12:264-282. Rptd. in Tonkin, ed. Esperanto, Interlinguistics, and Planned Language. Papers of the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems 5. Lanham MD: University Press of America, 1997, pp. 71-92.

1987. "Esperanto kaj la angla lingvo: Du lingvoj kun diversaj celoj" [Esperanto and English: Two Languages with Differing Goals]. In Umeda Yosimi, ed. Socilingvistikaj aspektoj de la internacia lingvo. Tokyo: Japan Esperanto-Instituto, pp. 117-122.

1987. "Esperanto: kulturo, lingvo, historio" [Esperanto: Culture, Language, History]. In Serta gratulatoria in honorem Juan Régulo, II: Esperantismo. La Laguna: Universidad de la Laguna, pp. 731-735.

1986. "Technology and the Language Barrier." In François Lo Jacomo, ed. Plurilinguisme et communication. Rapport du séminaire organisé à l'UNESCO. Paris: Société d'études linguistiques et anthropologiques de France (SELAF), pp. 21-27

1985. "De Trigrosha opero al Trigrosha romano" [From Threepenny Opera to Threepenny Novel]. Literatura Foiro (Italy), 16, December, 9-16.

1985. "La rolo de instruado en la Esperanto-movado" [The Role of Teaching in the Esperanto Movement]. Internacia Pedagogia Revuo, 15:53-63.

1985. "Language Planning, Planned Languages and International Organizations." In Humphrey Tonkin and Karen Johnson-Weiner, ed. Language Planning at the International Level, Report of the Third Annual Conference of the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems. New York: The Center, pp. 75-82.

l984."A Right to International Communication?" In George Gerbner and Marsha Siefert, ed. World Communications: A Handbook. New York and London: Longman, pp. 69-79.

1984."La littérature espérantiste et ses origines culturelles." In Actes: Journée d'étude sur l'espéranto. Saint-Denis: Institut de linguistique appliquée et didactique des langues de l'Université de Paris VIII-Vincennes à Saint-Denis, pp. 101-106.

1983."Language and International Communication." In Desmond Fisher and L.S.Harms, ed. The Right to Communicate: A New Human Right. Dublin: Boole Press, pp. 185-195.

1983."World Communications Year and the New World Information and Communication Order: Their Significance for the Teacher of Foreign Languages." In Humphrey Tonkin, ed. World Communications Year l983: Language and Language Learning. Report of a Conference Sponsored by the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems and the Esperantic Studies Foundation. New York: The Center, pp. 11-40.

1982. Esperanto and Literary Translation. Esperanto Documents 29-A. Rotterdam: Universal Esperanto Association. 36pp. (with Thomas Hoeksema).

1979. "Equalizing Language." Journal of Communication, 29: 124-33.

1979. Translation in International Organizations. Esperanto Documents 20-A. Rotterdam: Universal Esperanto Association. 32pp. (with Claude Piron).

1977. "Esperanto kiel objekto de universitata instruado kaj scienca esploro" [Esperanto as an Object of University Teaching and Scientific Research]. Esperantologiaj Kajeroj (University of Budapest), 2:221-38.

l976. An Introduction to Esperanto Studies. Esperanto Documents 6-A. Rotterdam: Universal Esperanto Association. l2pp.

l975. "Poetry in Esperanto: Is an International Literary Culture Possible?" Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association. Stuttgart: Bieber, pp. 503-7.

l968. "Code or Culture: The Case of Esperanto." Era (University of Pennsylvania), vol. 4, no. 2:5-2l.

1961."Kelkaj pensoj pri Kalocsay" [Some Thoughts on Kalocsay]. Nica Literatura Revuo, 38:58-63.
